Dear Candidate, Name: Mandeep Singh Registration No: zzzz Roll No.: zzz Venue: BHAI GURDAS INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MAC CENTER VILLAGE GHABDAN MAIN PATIALA ROAD SANGRUR PUNJAB 148001 Reporting Time : 11:00 AM This has reference to your Application for the post of Office Attendants (2020) in Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for which the Online Exam is to be held on 10/04/21 . Please download Online Examination Call letter and Information Handout from the website While entering the password please pay special attention to characters like (l, 1), (0, O), (5, S) etc. You may increase the “font” or size of the text of email received during online registration in case you have difficulty in reading the password. Please note that the password is case sensitive. Call letter will not be dispatched by post separately. Candidates using services of scribe should download the Scribe’s Declaration Form available on RBI's website and submit the duly filled in form to the invigilator in exam hall. Please note - 1. In case of candidates registered multiple times for the same post, their last registration has been retained deleting earlier registrations. 2. This email is not a Call letter. Please note that without Call letter you will not be allowed to appear. You are required to comply with the instructions given in the Call Letter.